Journey's Bank Staff are regularly offered work covering both planned or unplanned Staff absences across all four of Journey's Day Centres.
Bank Staff find these roles flexible and enjoyable because working days/hours fit around other commitments including unpaid Caring roles, family commitments, management of disability, phased re-entry to employment or phased movement to retirement. With different roles and Day Centres, the variety also appeals.
Journey's Bank Staff are paid at the same rates as our employees and also enjoy benefits such as accrued annual leave, free refreshments and discounted lunches at our Community Cafes. Our leave entitlement is 36 days annually.
We are currently recruiting Bank Staff for Driver and Learning Disability Support Worker roles.
Bank Minibus Drivers work two shifts/day. The first shift is from c. 07.30, collecting Clients from their homes and bringing them in to Day Centres in our small fleet of minibuses. Clients are then collected from 15.30 to return to homes as the second shift.
Learning Disability Support Workers work between 08.30 and 16.30 from Monday-Thursday and 08.30 - 16.00 on Fridays. Depending on your booking with us, the hours we can offer can vary from 4 to 37/week. Sometimes we can offer bookings for longer periods of time if we have longer planned Staff holidays or longer term Staff sickness. Learning Disability Support Workers work with Clients on site and in activities off site.
For both Driver and Learning Disability Support Worker roles you will need to have a clear enhanced DBS for Adult Services, UK full driving licence without endorsements and be able to supply two relevant professional references (from recent employment or academic studies).
If you would like to apply to find out more about Driver and Learning Disability Support Worker roles and apply to join our Bank list please contact indicating which role and which Day Centres you would like to be offered work at. Our Centres are in Blyth, Bishop Auckland, Hexham and Newcastle.